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Corsham Summer Cricket Tournament

Corsham Cricket Tournament

On Thursday lunchtime the Year 4 cricketers went to the Corsham Cricket club for an afternoon tournament as part of the Corsham sports cluster.

We took an intrepid team made up of students from both sites.

Broadwood: Leon O, Elliott G, Stanley L and Jack R

Pound Pill: Arthur NH, Harry S, Buddy J, Ellena H, Lottie G and Joey E

Our first match against Neston was won with a comfortable lead getting us used to bowling, fielding and batting.

The 2nd game was on the same pitch against St Patricks, and we got into our stride with a few more runs being scored.

We moved to the other pitch for the 3rd game against Corsham Regis and the boundary cones were slightly closer which gave more opportunities to score 4s and 6s.

We won all three games to gain a place in the final v Neston again. They had some fantastic batters and a fast bowler at the end, but we held them off and even with a few wickets being taken won the final by 5 runs. Mrs Fulluck would like to thank all the supporters who came out on the rain and sunshine to watch, and well done to all the cricketers for a brilliant team performance.