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Child Led Wellbeing Groups

Peer Mediators

In year six, the children can become Peer Mediators.  They are trained over a number of weeks to support children in the playground with minor disputes and fallings-out.  They do this by listening carefully to each side of the story, and encouraging the children to come to a workable solution without telling them what to do. This develops confidence, social skills, listening skills, empathy and team building skills in the year sixes.  For the rest of the school, it provides a safe place where they can solve an argument with some friendly older children.

Listening Friends

The Peer Mediators are also trained to be Listening Friends.  They are designated a child from a younger year group to become a friend to and a good role model.  The children love this chance to help others and the younger children enjoy spending time with the older ones.  It develops social skills, confidence and good behaviour. 


Our Eco-buddies work hard watering plants, caring for the animals, general gardening duties, conserving energy, ensuring recycling is happening around the school and litter picking.

Playground Buddies

Our wonderful team of Year 3 and Year 4 Playground Buddies support the Lunchtime Playworkers and teachers at play times. The role involves helping and caring for other children on the playground on a rota basis. It offers a unique opportunity to help and assist by making play times happier for all pupils. Buddies have a blue, high visibiity tabard to wear and a yellow pin badge, so they can be easily seen when on duty.

School Councillors

The School Council is an elected group of children (one boy and one girl from each class) who get together and discuss things about our school. We think all the children at Corsham Primary School work hard towards their learning goals and are very positive. We have many celebrations including Commendations, Merits, Learning Oscars and a Talent Show at the end of each and every academic year.

This year the School Council is working on many different areas included within the School Development and Improvement Plan (SDIP). Part of their role is to liaise with each class to find out ideas and opinions of all the children. We have already created our class well-being boxes and assisted in the development of our universe of emotions. We are now looking at ways of supporting our well-being by considering quiet and supportive spaces to use when needed.


At Corsham Primary School our Eco Council is made up of pupils from each year group who meet each month to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within school.

The Eco-Council is responsible for carrying out the initial and subsequent Environmental Reviews and for preparing an Action Plan for the whole school to engage in.

The Eco Council promotes an awareness of environmental issues and prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues.

Sports Leaders

Year 5 and 6 Sports Leaders are taught how to develop confidence and knowledge when leading and supporting a range of physical activities; as a consequence of this the pupils’ leadership skills and furthermore their talents are built upon and strengthened. Regular meetings take place with the Sports Leaders and their skills and talents are used to lead a range of events including Sports Day, charity events and Huff and Puff - an activity that takes place each lunchtime to encourage a healthy lifestyle.