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Admission Arrangements

Information for new starters

Welcome to Corsham Primary School.  We are in the wonderful and unique position of being one school, spanning two sites at either end of Corsham town.  Corsham Primary Pound Pill is a two-form entry school with a total of fourteen classes, and Corsham Primary Broadwood has mixed age groups from Year 1-6 with one Foundation Stage class.  There are a total of ten classes.  The sites are just 2 miles apart, and managed as one school with staff working across both.  You have the choice to join either site depending on its location to your home and the needs of your family and child/ren.

We have worked hard to create a supportive, family-orientated community school; if you walk into either site you will see the same high quality teaching and learning environments for the children.  In fact, even the carpets and curtains are the same colour!  Success is something we readily celebrate, both academic and personal.  We know this helps the children develop their self-confidence and self-esteem which in turn encourages them to continue to do their very best.  We hold a wide range of events throughout the year when we invite parents into the school to help us celebrate the achievements of all pupils.

We are very proud that our curriculum received an "Outstanding" judgement during our Ofsted inspection in June 2013 - in fact, we received "Outstanding" in all five categories; you can read the full report by visiting our Ofsted and Achievements page here.

School timings: gates open at 8.30am and class doors open at 8.40am for the children.  Registration is at 8.50am.  At the end of the school day, school gates open at 3pm and children finish by their classroom doors at 3.10pm.  (At the end of the term preceding Summer, Easter and Christmas holidays, we break up slightly earlier at 2.30pm)  If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us or, better still, come and see as at work during a school day.  We would all be very pleased to welcome you.

How does CPS work in the community
School Attendance


How do I apply for a place at CPS?

You can do this through Wiltshire Council. All forms are available online including “In year admission” transfers forms - please follow this link:










Welcome to Corsham Primary School