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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We are often asked the same question by parents and carers so we thought it would be useful to publish a list of our most frequently asked questions - see below.

If you have a question that isn't answered below, please give us a call 01249 712387 (Pound Pill Site) or 01225 811997 (Broadwood Site) or email us at or respectively.

How does the school communicate with parents and carers?

Comprehensive website, direct text and email, Twitter account, monthly newsletter (uploaded onto the website).  Curriculum newsletter uploaded onto the website each term.

Can my child attend school if I have treated for headlice?

Yes, as long as you have treated your child, they may attend school the same day.

Can I send medicine into school with my child to self-administer?

Absolutely not.  This could put other children at risk and is not appropriate.  If your child is needing regular medicine, you are welcome to come into school and administer yourself.  If your child is ill and needing regular medicine, please consider whether they should be at home.

Can my child bring their mobile phone into school?

Yes – please make sure your child brings it to the office for safekeeping during the day.

How do I apply for a place at CPS?

You do this through Wiltshire Council. All forms are available online including “In year admission” transfers forms - follow this Applying for a school place link.

When is the best time to speak to my child’s teacher?

Teachers are always keen to operate an open-door policy.  They will be able to see you at the start/end of the day and if not enough time then, an appointment can be made to suit.  Regular parent’s evenings give opportunities to discuss your child’s progress also.

What happens if I am unable to pick up my child on time at the end of the day?

Please telephone the school office to let us know so that we can inform the class teacher and child.  If you are able to organise another person to pick up, please let us know.

What is the starting/finishing time ?

School gates open at 8.30am and class doors open for children's arrival at 8.40am.  Registration is taken at 8.50am.  At the end of the day, school gates open at 3pm and the children finish at 3.10pm.  (At half-terms, school finishes at 3.10pm as normal.  At the end of the full term (Christmas, Easter, summer), school finishes at 2.30pm.)

How do I pay for school lunches?

We operate a cashless system at school, so you need to log onto your SchoolMoney account and pay online.  School lunches cost £2.65 per day.

Where can I buy school uniform from?

Our uniform is sold at Scholars (3, The Causeway, Chippenham, SN15 3BT).  Scholars is open from 9.30am - 5pm Monday to Saturday -
Our PTA also hold a huge range of second-hand uniform in good condition. You can view the stock list here and contact them at: for any pre-loved uniform enquiries.

When can I come and have a look through the lost property?

At the end of the school day.

What happens if the school needs to close?

As much information is given as possible – through local radio stations, noticeboards, direct parent/carer texts, direct parent/carer emails and the school website.

Has my child got a place at an after-school club?

Please assume that if you do not hear from us, your child DOES have a space at the club they have registered interest in.

If my child is physically sick, when can they return to school?

Your child can return to school no sooner than 48 hours after they were last sick or whenever after 48 hrs they feel better.

Will my child have the opportunity to have swimming lessons during school time?

Yes – you will be informed in writing when your child is swimming.  (Years 3 and 4).

Am I able to drive and park on the school site?

No.  We have a shortage of space on the school sites.  Please park away from school.  If you live more than 1 mile away from school, a limited number of parking permits are available to apply for at the school office (Pound Pill only).  These enable parents/carers to park at the Newlands Road car park when dropping off and picking up their child/ren.