Pound Pill and Broadwood joint winners of the first Best Eco School Competition in Corsham
Published 08/12/23
Eco School Competition Winners
Eco School Competition Winners
Corsham Primary School made decorations for St Bart's
Year 6 Residential Trip at Liddington
Environmental Health Agency give our Broadwood kitchen 5 stars!
The Healthy Wellbeing Whales ran the school for the day at Pound Pill
The Five Wellbeing Wish Makers Party ran Broadwood for the day!
Children joined with talented local artist to make a beautiful mosaic which we have put on the outside wall opposite our pigs - have a look when you walk by!
Sports Morning at Pound Pill
Installation of our mosaic at Broadwood
Corsham Cricket Tournament
Year 1 Assembly at Pound Pill
Fun at a More Able and High Achievers session