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About Us

Vision and Values

List of school values - Caring, Positive, Stimulating


Our School Values


At Corsham Primary School we actively promote values

A group of children in the playground
A group of children in the playground

which we believe will prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. To achieve this, we use our outstanding curriculum as the main vehicle to enable pupils to relate experience to learnt knowledge. In particular, these values are woven into assemblies, citizenship events and many more aspects of personal, social, moral and cultural development.

The curriculum promotes:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
  • Social, moral, cultural and spiritual development

The school's positive and inclusive atmosphere ensures that pupils experience these values "in action" on a daily basis.

We teach these values through our PSHEE curriculum, assemblies, school council, debates and discussions.

Please see our staff brainstorms about social, moral, cultural and spiritual development and the strategies we use to promote them at Corsham Primary below.