Governor Awards - presented at the end of last term
Emily L was awarded with the CPS Governors award. She is a really kind and caring friend and learning partner. Emily L is always focused on her learning and independently deepens her understanding across each of the curriculum areas by asking thoughtful questions and trying her very best. She is Corsham Primary School through and through. Well done Emily!
Huge congratulations to Leon O-D who was awarded the Governors Sports Award. He is a keen athlete who consistently applies himself in all our athletics sessions. More than that, he always tries hard to improve his own skills whilst helping others to learn and improve through including and guiding them. We look forward to hearing about more of your future sporting successes Leon!
Massive congratulations to Paige T who was awarded the CPS Spirit Award. She embodies what it means to be a member of CPS; always showing care and consideration for others, bringing a positive attitude to all situations and having a wonderful attitude towards and love of learning. Furthermore, she shares her exceptional manners with others, makes a fabulous learning partner and always tries her absolute best to succeed, all while continuing to develop into a well-rounded, morally sound young person. Well done Paige – we’re all very proud of you!
Buddy J was awarded the Governor's award for Good Manners. He consistently shows that he truly understands what constitutes all-round ‘good manners’ and is a wonderful role model for everyone in school. Not only does he use ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’, he is always showing respect to others by listening when they are talking, being a good learning partner, waiting patiently when he needs something and allowing others to go before him. Buddy is also a very kind friend and will ensure that others in the class are looked after and have a group to go work with. Well done Buddy, you are a very well-deserved recipient of this amazing award, and we are tremendously proud of you!